Martes, Marso 29, 2011


Finally got my internet connection back!!

Its been one month since we got internet connection back!!
I had to suffer life without internet connection (IMAGINE THAT)
so for those who were following this blog (IF ANY)
I am deeply apologetic!!

But dont dread, i have kept a portfolio of all the effects of wheatgrass to my body in an offline diary!

here are the higlights!

DAY 10:

I finally got to go through the Complete Blood Analysis, and guess what? the results were all excelent!.. I asked the doctor if it may be due to wheatgrass and he said that there has been research about it helping the blood! (Stil skeptical though!)

DAY 17

1. I noticed that i had less pimple breakouts since taking wheatgrass! (though not sure if it was due to that)
2. Also i noticed that there is never a day where i never poop!
this may seem uncomfortable but its not! its really refreshing after you do the deed!

DAY 24

1. I tried the wheatgrass facial and it looked yucky! but it felt like my face is clean after doing the said facial!

here is how i did it:

2 sachets easy phamax wheatgrass PURE (because they also have the honey variant)
4 tbsp water

just mix the two together to make a paste and spread evenly in your face..
leave for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water..

it looks like green mud that I used to pay for in the spa!

DAY 30

After completing the 30 day experiment here are my final conclusions:

1. Its really effective in regularizing your bowel movement (and i emphasize REGULARIZNG because it does not have the LBM effect other supplements have)
2.It helps your skin, in more ways than one.
3.Wheatgrass helps your blood, as what my doctor said. (now im a believer)
4. I also noticed that I started to crave less chips! (but i dont know if this is psychological or the wheatgrass really helped!)
5. I now do the facial once a week, because it feels really cool and good and it helps lessen the plumping effect caused by crying (dont ask me how i know this!)
6. Through their live blood analysis, I noticed that my blood is now "alkaline" they said it meant that the nutrients that are needed are now going through my organs.



Martes, Marso 1, 2011

Day 5

So its my day 5 in this project, i still dont have time to undergo the complete blood count so as to see the results but i will get there soon.. ^^

so far here are my findings:
1. im quite convinced on this wheatgrass thing because for 4 straight days i havent had a single asthma attack (wow gues what they say about this antioxidant thing is true.)
2. i didnt poop this morning. ( maybe because i was in a rush because i woke up late)
3. i also noticed that i dont get sleepy after lunchtime (SIESTA TIME!!)
4. and finally i will undergo another live blood analysis later (good thing the company offers this for free

so far those are the improvements that i have seen.. ^^
no setbacks yet.. hoping there would be non..

Lunes, Pebrero 28, 2011

Day 4

so its now day 4. I am now akin to the taste of the wheatgrass pure by now. it doesnt taste as bad, i guess this was what they called "acquired taste" it just taste like colored water by now.. ^^

here are my observations since yesterday:
1.) I again pooped this morning (i must say, this is both a gift and a curse because everyday pooping is not in my morning schedule)
2.) I tried to forgo coffee yesterday and drink wheatgrass only, i didnt feel any change, I had energy throughout the day (or maybe because it was not a stressful day)
3.) the skin asthma problem has hopefully gone away..

I have decided to take this project a step further, because i am seeing promising results as of now. I will take a complete blood exam and compare it now and again on the end of this product. t osee if there are any improvements in my blood (because the company is claiming that there are many benefits for our blood).

thats it for now.. would appreciate comments.. ^^ i encourage you also to do this project with me for better results,, ^^

Linggo, Pebrero 27, 2011

Day 3

Sorry if i couldnt post day two yesterday because I was out for family day.. ^^

So here goes my third day..

One interesting thing about this wheatgrass, is in the company that I ordered my wheatgrass, they offer what they call "Live blood analysis" at first I was hesitant to undergo this because from the name of the procedure. its like they will examine your blood LIVE, as in inside your body.. ^^  But I was wrong, they just took a drop of my blood and placed it inside the microscope.. so underwent this procedure and found out that my blood were all clumpy and sticking to each other,, the nurse said that it was caused by my  blood being acidic and the oxygen and nutrients are passing through my organs efficiently.. they also have this thing called the "Wheatgrass challenge" after they examined my blood, i would drink a glass of wheatgrass and after one hour examine it again.. The results were really amazing because after an hour my blood were all flowing individually and looked "healthy"..

well, i guess I was a wee bit convinced that this really is effective..

as for reviews on my personal use of wheatgrass for the 3rd day:

1. I noticed that i pooped yesterday morning and today. (which is weird for me because I used to poop like thrice a week) i hope its because of the wheatgrass..
2. you know the feeling the your guts are clean?? thats what i feel.. i hope this lasts.. ^^
3. i havent experienced any bouts of skin asthma since then.. i also hope this lasts.. ^^

well thats it for now.. ill try to update you again tommorow..
if someone out there is reading this,, hope you do this project with me ^^

Huwebes, Pebrero 24, 2011

Day 1

I have again tried wheatgrass pure one sahcet this morning before breakfast as indicated, I would say that it has an acquired taste, i wish i would get used to it for the sake of this project.. ^^


- the taste was tolerable at most, the manufacturer said that i can mix in honey or fresh fruit juices but ive decided to take it pure.

- so far i have seen no effect, maybe because it was my first day..

That's all for now, maybe later i can blog about what i have observed.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 23, 2011


Let me tell you first about what this blog and its content would be about. This is about a project that I will be embarking on from today. I heard from a my sister about Wheatgrass and its benefits, she was pushing me to drink the juice as well, but i wouldnt because when i tried it once, i was surprised by its "grassy" taste.

I was very skeptical about the improvements that she claimed because what she was saying was next to unbelievable, so as to give you an idea, these were the improvements that she said has happened to her since she started to drink wheatgrass teo years ago.

1.) For two years now since she has been drinking wheatgrass whe claimed that she has NEVER BEEN SICK OF ANY KIND.
2.) She said that it was BETTER THAN COFFEE in giving her energy throughout the day.
3.) For two years now since she has been drinking wheatgrass whe claimed that she has NEVER EXPERIENCED CONSTIPATION.
4.) She claimed that she had IMPROVED HER SKIN CONDITION (she has consistent skin asthma)

So I've decided to try it for myself so as to satisfy my sister, I have decided to make a project out of it, these will be the terms and conditions of this project:

1.) I will drink wheatgrass juice for 30 days
2.) I will drink it twice a day (as indicated by the manufacturer) 30 minutes before breakfast and before going to bed.
3.) I will blog it here in detail as to what has happened to me throughout the   project.
4.) Any adverse side effect that I feel was caused by wheatgrass, I would STOP this project IMMEDIATELY.
5.) I would be using EASY PHA-MAX WHEATGRASS PURE for this project because it's the only wheatgrass product that was easily available here in the philippines.
6.) I would be starting TOMMOROW FEBRUARY 25, 2011.

After this project i will have seen the effects it has done to me, and decide from there on if this project was worth it.