Martes, Marso 29, 2011


Finally got my internet connection back!!

Its been one month since we got internet connection back!!
I had to suffer life without internet connection (IMAGINE THAT)
so for those who were following this blog (IF ANY)
I am deeply apologetic!!

But dont dread, i have kept a portfolio of all the effects of wheatgrass to my body in an offline diary!

here are the higlights!

DAY 10:

I finally got to go through the Complete Blood Analysis, and guess what? the results were all excelent!.. I asked the doctor if it may be due to wheatgrass and he said that there has been research about it helping the blood! (Stil skeptical though!)

DAY 17

1. I noticed that i had less pimple breakouts since taking wheatgrass! (though not sure if it was due to that)
2. Also i noticed that there is never a day where i never poop!
this may seem uncomfortable but its not! its really refreshing after you do the deed!

DAY 24

1. I tried the wheatgrass facial and it looked yucky! but it felt like my face is clean after doing the said facial!

here is how i did it:

2 sachets easy phamax wheatgrass PURE (because they also have the honey variant)
4 tbsp water

just mix the two together to make a paste and spread evenly in your face..
leave for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water..

it looks like green mud that I used to pay for in the spa!

DAY 30

After completing the 30 day experiment here are my final conclusions:

1. Its really effective in regularizing your bowel movement (and i emphasize REGULARIZNG because it does not have the LBM effect other supplements have)
2.It helps your skin, in more ways than one.
3.Wheatgrass helps your blood, as what my doctor said. (now im a believer)
4. I also noticed that I started to crave less chips! (but i dont know if this is psychological or the wheatgrass really helped!)
5. I now do the facial once a week, because it feels really cool and good and it helps lessen the plumping effect caused by crying (dont ask me how i know this!)
6. Through their live blood analysis, I noticed that my blood is now "alkaline" they said it meant that the nutrients that are needed are now going through my organs.



1 komento:

  1. Hi Sabine! I saw your shout out in my blog. I linked you already. Would you like to visit my other blog too? It's in
