Martes, Marso 1, 2011

Day 5

So its my day 5 in this project, i still dont have time to undergo the complete blood count so as to see the results but i will get there soon.. ^^

so far here are my findings:
1. im quite convinced on this wheatgrass thing because for 4 straight days i havent had a single asthma attack (wow gues what they say about this antioxidant thing is true.)
2. i didnt poop this morning. ( maybe because i was in a rush because i woke up late)
3. i also noticed that i dont get sleepy after lunchtime (SIESTA TIME!!)
4. and finally i will undergo another live blood analysis later (good thing the company offers this for free

so far those are the improvements that i have seen.. ^^
no setbacks yet.. hoping there would be non..

2 komento:

  1. Hi! I've seen your blog through another blog. How's your wheatgrass project? I've noticed you stopped at day 5. It is interesting. I hope you can blog more about what happened in your "experiment".

  2. patricia! sorry for the delay of my post,, i had to suffer life without an internet connection! T_T imagine that!
